The Strat-Geopressure Model
The Fast Track to Evaluate a Lead and Prospect
This model is the reseult of integrating geopressure, stratigraphy, and well logs. By incorporating the model outcome maps with the established producing horizons, potential - bypass pays and good quality reservoirs we have produced an essential fast track tool for generating and assessing a play concept, lead and prospect. A case history in Offshore TX validates the benefits of using the optimum Strat-Geopressure Fairways.
Products and Consultancy deliverables

Integrating Geo-Pressure ,
Stratratigraphy, Geological Setting
Costomized Geopressure Maps
> Top of Geopressure maps for a play and prospect levels (seismic and wells)
> Pore- Frac pressure gradients at different stratigraphic sequence
> Pressure - depth plots for existing wells in psi and ppgmwe
> Competent vs. breaching seals in key wells
> Differential pressure between reservoirs and seals in key wells
Supra - Sub Salt Geopressure basin models (Click)
> Apply our seven salt geopressure models for PP-FP predictions
> Key wells data base in Offshore Deep Water mini-salt basins
> Salt emplacements and displacement impact on seal's integrity
> Compartmentalization impact on retention capacity and drilling challenges
Generic Project's Deliverables
( click her to view this pilot project ).
Optimum Fairways